Post-conference Workshop
November 15-16, 2023
Genome Editing: Basic Learning and Advanced Techniques
15-16 November, 2023
Co-organized by the European COST action ‘Genome Editing to Treat Human Diseases’ (GenE-Humdi; action CA21113 ), an EU-funded network that connects researchers and innovators across Europe and beyond.

Genome editing is based on engineering tools in which genomic DNA is inserted, deleted, modified, or replaced. Unlike early genetic engineering techniques that randomly insert genetic material into a host genome, genome editing targets the insertions to site-specific locations.
This represents one of the most powerful technologies to achieve a greater understanding of human health and disease. Gene editing tools are allowing researchers to target almost any gene for modification in a highly specific and reliable way. Gene editing applications range from intervention for the development of diseases to gene therapy and cell therapies for cancer. Worldwide efforts are ongoing to accelerate the translation to clinical application and intervention of this strategy.
In this educational workshop theoretical basis of gene editing and practical examples will be presented by renowned experts in the field in the context of different pathological models. Moreover, existing hurdles and the design of successful gene editing experiments will be discussed. The workshop will also include a practical demonstration of experimental flow and advanced platforms utilized for gene editing, providing the attendees the opportunity for a live experimental experience.
Top Reasons to Attend
- Obtain a broad view of the recent applications and developments in genome editing technologies.
- Benefit from creative input from worldwide experts presenting state-of-the-art of the fields
- Develop new collaborations and build relationships for current and future projects
Who Should Attend
- Scientists at all career stages
- Scientists in academia and industry
- Students and young researchers
- Clinicians and clinical scientists interested in gaining up-to-date knowledge in the field
- Industry decision makers/tech scouts looking to speed up research and foster new applications
Scientific Committee:
- Karim Benabdel Lah El Khlanji, Centro Pfizer-Universidad de Granada-Junta de Andalucía de Genómica e Investigación Oncológica (GENYO), Granada, Spain
- Yonglun Luo, Applied Genome Technologies and Regenerative Medicine Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
- Mario Amendola, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) Paris, France
- Cristina Maccalli, Laboratory of Immune Biological Therapy, Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar