Early Pregnancy Care
We offer specialist services for early pregnancy for women who are pregnant up to 16 weeks (four months) of pregnancy, such as pain, bleeding, excessive morning sickness or vomiting, loss of pregnancy symptoms, previous ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb).
Our specialized multidisciplinary team conduct the relevant blood and urine tests including special investigations such as genetic tests, infection and thrombophilia screening, cervical length measurement. We also offer surgical management of miscarriages and Laparoscopic - key hole surgery) management of ectopic pregnancies and other conditions.
Our Premium pregnancy service is a holistic pregnancy care with emphasis on luxury experience throughout the antenatal period culminating in the use of our exclusive inpatient Luxury suites located in level 4D in the main hospital.
Antenatal education
The process of birth can bring undue anxieties to pregnant women especially first-time mothers. Our customized antenatal education classes provide interactive antenatal education covering all aspects of pregnancy, labor and delivery including pain relief options and potential interventions during labor.
Maternal Medicine – High Risk Obstetrics Service
While most women have uncomplicated pregnancies, pregnant women with concomitant medical conditions require specialized care to reduce the risk from such conditions to them and their baby during pregnancy. The Maternal Medicine-High Risk obstetrics service caters for those women who have medical conditions which require specific modifications during pregnancy to ensure a good outcome for both mother and the baby.
The service is dedicated to the care of pregnant patients with a wide range of medical conditions. An initial in-person consultation with our team will provide you with personalized assessment and plans about the management of your condition in pregnancy.
Weight Management Service
This service provides a holistic assessment, support and treatment of all weight related problems for pregnant women. The team consists of experts in the field of weight management and they provide individualized treatment program for all clients.
Emergency Obstetrics Triage
In the event of a pregnancy emergency, Sidra Medicine’s Maternity Team is ready to provide immediate critical care services to protect both mother and child at its Obstetric Triage clinic. Patients will be sent to the Obstetric Triage or Women’s Urgent Care center based on the stage of their pregnancy. For pregnancies under 20 weeks gestation, patients are transferred to Women’s Urgent Care. Emergencies affecting women over 20 weeks of gestation are treated at the Obstetric Triage.
Sidra Medicine is also one of the only private providers of obstetrics services in the GCC region to have been awarded a Center of Excellence designation by the Society for Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology (SOAP), for demonstrating excellence in obstetric anesthesia care.
Labor Epidural Service
We offer optimal pain relief during the process of labour and delivery. The service is undertaken by Adult anesthesiologists who are available 24 hours of the day, seven days a week
Personalized Postpartum Care
Following your delivery, you and your baby will be admitted to our state-of-the-art postpartum unit. During your stay, you and your child will be cared for by a team of midwives, nurses, obstetricians, and pediatric doctors.
- An internal medicine team and endocrinology is also accessible for people who have additional medical issues.
- Physiotherapists see all patients on a regular basis to assist you with pelvic floor exercises and to provide essential advise for your recovery period.
- A professional team of lactation consultants is on hand to assist you with all aspects of breast feeding and lactation.
- The pain management team will visit you if needed to assists with pain management.
Initial routine testing and assessments of your infant will be performed on the ward throughout your stay (24 hours screening and 36 hours newborn metabolic screening) your baby will be seen and checked daily by the neonatal team.
We provide in-house male baby circumcision service for parents who request this service after delivery. This is usually performed within the first few days of birth following clearance from the Pediatric doctors.
Before you go home we will offer you a follow up appointment in our outpatient clinic with your doctor for a postpartum visit usually 2-6 weeks after your delivery.
Maternity Rooms
All the rooms in our maternity wards are private. Designed for the comfort of our patients, the rooms come fully equipped with safety features and high-quality medical services.
The average length of stay after a typical delivery is two nights. After a cesarean section, you would be discharged after three nights. Please call us for details on pricing.
We have three types of rooms in our maternity wards:
Standard: Our 12 maternity rooms in level 6D of our hospital have panoramic views of our indoor healing gardens. All the rooms are computerized to allow our teams to monitor our patient’s safety and wellbeing.
Deluxe: We also have two deluxe rooms are slightly larger than standard rooms. The rooms also have a kitchenette and Majlis (family living room)
Key features for both standard and deluxe rooms include:
- A 3-seater couch which can be used as sofa bed for a family member wishing to stay overnight
- Internet and Smart TV
- Ensuite bathroom with shower and amenities
Luxury suites: Our brand-new maternity ward on level 4D features six luxury suites fully customized with amenities and services to enhance the comfort and care of mothers. It also includes a state-of-the-art Baby nursery.
Key features include:
- Ensuite heated bathrooms
- Lounge area with a pantry [Also includes optional rental of pantry and catering services to cater for guests].
- Guest bathrooms
- Screens to view baby nursery which includes a private camera for the parents
Patient Story

Patient Story: Clare’s Positive Birth Experience at Sidra Medicine
Clare Flores, had her beautiful baby girl Charlotte at Sidra Medicine and shares her story about her positive birthing experience with us.
“For the birth of my second child, I wanted to choose a place where I could have a gentle and empowering birth experience, where my birth plan would be followed and respected as far as possible. All the staff were so caring and dedicated to their work. The team of midwives were incredibly skilled in childbirth and mother and baby care.
I am so happy with that I choose to deliver at Sidra Medicine, and wouldn’t hesitate to deliver there again or recommend it to other mothers to help them enjoy a pleasant and reassuring birth experience.
Throughout my whole pregnancy and aftercare, I was treated with respect for my birthing plan and it was followed exactly as I wanted. I could never imagine having such a perfect hospital birth experience anywhere else in the world. A sincere thanks to Sidra Medicine.”
Read Claire’s full story here.