Atqah Abdulwahab MBBS
Senior Attending Physician-
About Atqah Dr. Atqah is a senior attending pediatric pulmonologist at Sidra Medicine, an associate professor of pediatrics at Qatar Medical College, and an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medical College.
She is the multidisciplinary pediatric aerodigestive clinic's director at Sidra Medicine and is in charge of the fellows and rotating residents' pediatric pulmonary educational activities.
Dr. Atqah is credited with being the first pediatric pulmonologist to identify the CF gene in a cohort of Qatari cystic fibrosis patients and to discover a new type of Ehlers-Danlos like associated with arterial tortuously syndrome.
Dr. Atqah established the first CF clinics, the CF microbiology laboratory, and the sweat chloride test in biochemistry at Hamad Medical Corporation. She also started MDT pediatric aerodigestive clinic at Sidra Medicine in January 2019.
Dr. Atqah participated in numerous important international conferences, including the European Respiratory Society and the European Cystic Fibrosis Conferences, where he presented oral papers and numerous scientific posters. She reviewed several research articles for national and international scholarly journals of medicine.Languages Spoken English, Arabic
Publications Authored more than 55 scientific publications that were published in local and peer-reviewed journals, with her core research interests in cystic fibrosis and asthma.