Duncan Macrae ChB,FFICM,FRCA,MB
Senior Attending Physician and Clinical Director, cardiac Intensive Care Years Of Experience: 36-
About the Physician
Prof. Duncan Macrae trained in intensive care medicine and anesthesia in Scotland, London, and Australia. He joined Sidra Medicine in 2019 from London, UK, where he was a Consultant and Clinical Director at the Royal Brompton Hospital and previously Consultant in Intensive Care and ECMO at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
He is an acknowledged international expert in his field with over 200 publications and research contributions which include several large multicenter clinical trials.
Languages Spoken English, French
Years Of Experience 36Education - University of Dundee, Scotland
Affiliations - Fellow, Faculty of intensive Care Medicine, UK
- Fellow, Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK
Areas of Interest - Resuscitation
- Cardiac intensive care
- Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Application of Human Factors to patient safety
Medical Publications - Blackwood B, Tume LN, Morris KP, Clarke M, McDowell C, Hemming K, Peters MJ, McIlmurray L, Jordan J, Agus A, Murray M, Parslow R, Walsh TS, Macrae D, Easter C, Feltbower RG, McAuley DF. Effect of a Sedation and Ventilator Liberation Protocol vs Usual Care on Duration of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Pediatric Intensive Care Units: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama. 2021 Aug 3;326(5):401-10
- Michielon G, DiSalvo G, Fraisse A, Carvalho JS, Krupickova S, Slavik Z, Bartsota M, Daubeney P, Bautista C, Desai A, Burmester M, Macrae D. In-hospital interstage improves interstage survival after the Norwood stage 1 operation. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2020 Jun 1;57(6):1113-21.
- Muszynski JA, Guzzetta NA, Hall MW, Macrae D, Valentine SL, Bateman ST, Spinella PC. Recommendations on RBC Transfusions for Critically Ill Children With Nonhemorrhagic Shock From the Pediatric Critical Care Transfusion and Anemia Expertise Initiative. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2018 Sep;19(9S Suppl 1):S121-s6.
- Marino BS, Tabbutt S, MacLaren G, Hazinski MF, Adatia I, Atkins DL, Checchia PA, DeCaen A, Fink EL, Hoffman GM, Jefferies JL, Kleinman M, Krawczeski CD, Licht DJ, Macrae D, Ravishankar C, Samson RA, Thiagarajan RR, Toms R, Tweddell J, Laussen PC. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Infants and Children With Cardiac Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2018 May 29;137(22):e691-e782.
- Knight P, MacGloin H, Lane M, Lofton L, Desai A, Haxby E, Macrae D, Korb C, Mortimer P, Burmester M. Mitigating Latent Threats Identified through an Embedded In Situ Simulation Program and Their Comparison to Patient Safety Incidents: A Retrospective Review. Front Pediatr. 2017;5:281.