Youcef Sennoun CCST,MD,FRCA,PGDIP Pain Management
Senior Attending Physician Years Of Experience: 25-
About the Physician
Dr. Youcef Sennoun is a senior attending anesthesiologist and pain management specialist at Sidra Medicine since 2017. He has over 25 years of experience in the medical field.
He graduated from the Institute of Medical Sciences of Algiers followed by a residency program at the Central London School of Anesthesia, UK. He holds a UK Certificate of Completion of Specialty Training in Anesthesia, a UK Fellowship with the Royal College of Anaesthetists, and graduated in pain management at the University of South Wales.
His role encompasses the provision of all types of anesthesia, pain management, perioperative care, high dependency, critical care, resuscitation, and an adult pain clinic. The adult pain clinic accepts new patients on medical referrals.
He is an ACLS Instructor, division educational lead and runs a weekly antenatal class workshop on methods to control pain during labor.
Languages Spoken English, Arabic, French
Years Of Experience 25Education - UCL School of Anaesthesia, London, UK, 2004
Affiliations - Assistant Professor in Clinical Anesthesiology, Weill Cornell Medicine-
- Qatar.
- Clinical Lecturer in Anesthesiology, Qatar University Medical College, Qatar
- ACLS Instructor, Sidra Medicine
Areas of Interest - Ultrasonography-guided regional anesthesia
- Chronic pain management
Educational Interests - Divisional Education Lead
- Antenatal Class Anesthesia Workshop lead
- ACLS Instructor