Pediatric Anesthesia Conference

Date: October 04, 2024 - October 05, 2024
Promoting safety in pediatric perioperative care – best practice update
Conference Overview
The Sidra Pediatric Anesthesia conference is a 2 day program focusing on best practice updates in pediatric anesthesia for anesthesiologists taking care of pediatric patients.
The conference offers a hands-on workshop on day 1 with educational sessions on day 2 covering the essentials of providing safe anesthesia to the pediatric population during the perioperative period. The Day 1 workshop is tailored to provide updates on oxygenation and ventilation and hands-on sessions for technical and on-technical skills for ultrasound guided vascular access and resuscitation in Operating Room setting.
The educational sessions on Day 2 focus on promoting safety in pediatric anesthesia and improving the perioperative experience during everyday practice for every child. The multidisciplinary program will include topics on preoperative risk assessment and optimization, Intraoperative management , Postoperative analgesia and ethical considerations in the pediatric population.
Each session will showcase best practice clinical science in various formats encouraging interaction with delegates and ensuring a genuine active learning experience.
Conference Objectives
- Apply current knowledge and practice management skills to safe and efficient pediatric care
- Promote safety in every pediatric perioperative encounter
- Integrate technical knowledge of procedures and medical devices into clinical practice
- Translate knowledge into improvements in practice and patient-family unit satisfaction
Target Audience
Anesthesiologists, Perioperative nurses, Trainees in Anesthesiology and surgery, and Allied Health staff
Reward Credits CPD
Workshop: Cat 1 and 3
Conference: Cat 1
“This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions-Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 8.25 hours for Category 1”
“This activity is an Assessment Activity (Category 3) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions - Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 4.5 hours for Category 3.”
Scientific Committee
Dr. Franco Moscuzza, Senior Attending, Chair Anesthesiology
Dr. Tripiti Sinha, Senior Attending
Dr. Jiju John, Senior Attending
Dr. Samuel Bass, Senior Attending
Dr. Sindu Balakrishnan, Attending
Dr. Roshan John, Attending
Ms Lauren Kelly, CNS
Ms Radhia Sayari, Anesthesia Technologist.