Qatar Foundation institution to welcome nearly a 1000 surgeons from across the globe
Doha, Qatar, 2 April 2019: Sidra Medicine is proud to announce that it will be hosting the 6th World Congress of Pediatric Surgery from 1 to 3 November 2019 at the Qatar National Convention Center in Doha, Qatar.
The congress is organized by the World Federation of Associations of Pediatric Surgeons (WOFAPs). Sidra Medicine will be serving as a host for the first “World Congress” of WOFAPs in the Middle East and is expecting to welcome nearly 1000 delegates from all over the world. The congress aims to cover the most cutting edge advances in pediatric surgical care in addition to current challenges impeding optimal surgical care for children in high and low income countries.
WOFAPS Qatar will be under the leadership of a group of internationally-renowned Sidra Medicine surgeons. These include Prof. David Sigalet, the Chair of Patient Services and the current President of WOFAPS; Dr. Mansour Ali, Chair of Pediatric Surgery and the Middle East WOFAPS Representative; and Dr. Pippi Salle, Chief of Urology and the Chair of Urology for the congress.

WOFAPS 2019 will include a comprehensive discussion of the ‘classical’ challenges in general and urological pediatric surgery. Newsworthy research, surgical techniques and challenges facing the care of children in high and low income countries will frame each interactive learning session.
The congress is pleased to announce the participation of the following internationally renowned surgeons and speakers who will lead different surgical sessions:
- Dr. Ron Hirschl, President, APSA, (Ann Arbor, Michigan) will talk about New Horizons in Ventilatory Support: Beyond ECMO.
- Prof. Philip Ransley – Former Chief of the Division of Urology of Great Ormond Street Hospital, United Kingdom, is one of the keynote speakers during the opening address.
- Dr. Pippi Salle, Sidra Medicine’s Division Chief of Urology, has organized the urological program including a two day pre conference workshop.
- Dr. Steve Rothberg, (Colorado USA), with Dr. Sameh Shehata (Alexandria, Egypt), Dr. Munther Hadad (London, UK) and Dr. Abdulla Zarroug (Doha, Qatar), will lead an IPEG Middle East workshop on minimally invasive surgical technique session including Robotic Surgery.
- Dr. Kokila Lakhoo, (University of Oxford) who will lead a session and post conference workshop “the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery”.
- Professor Jörg Fuchs, President of IPSO, (Tuebingen, Germany) will lead a session and post conference workshop focused on surgical oncology
- Dr. Michael Sjöö M.D, Flight Surgeon, SAS Aeromedical Advisor: Safety culture and how to improve the OR Environment: Lessons from the airline industry.
- Dr. Marc A. Levitt (National Wide Children’s in Columbus Ohio) will lead a conference session and pre workshop on ano-rectal malformations.
- Prof. Antoine E. Khoury – Chief of the Division of Urology of the Children Hospital of Orange County, USA, will discuss new developments for the surgical treatment of refractory urinary incontinence in children.
- Prof. Paul Merguerian - Chief of the Division of Urology of the Seattle Children Hospital, USA will be presenting on “Evidence based surgical practice: how to separate gold from trash".
In addition to the international surgical expertise who will be leading sessions, WOFAPS 2019 expects to showcase more than 400 presentations by participants, including oral, video and poster walks. Selected abstracts will be eligible for publication in a special volume of Pediatric Surgery International. A number of pre and post event workshops will also be held in the days leading up to and after the congress.
Doha is the sixth destination to host this gathering of the world’s leading children’s surgeons; previous events were held in Washington DC; Berlin; Delhi; Buenos Aires and Zagreb.
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